
Welcome to the Geek Girl Express, a one-way review train to geek girl nirvana. If you have an interest in diverse genre works, YA books and all things fandom then hop aboard.
So, here’s the thing: I see a whole lotta complaints around social media decrying the lack of diversity in today’s media. And right they are to complain – it’s bloody awful, let’s be honest. But once you’ve realised all your faves are Straight White Males, where do you go? What can you do about it? The one thing every single one of us can do is support diverse media.
I don’t mean raving about things uncritically or forcing yourself or others to watch and read things you aren’t into just because there’s this one character who is part of a marginalised group. But it’s important to engage with these things, to talk about them and and have meaningful discussions if nothing else.
And so, this site was born. I aim to review books, TV shows, films etc. with a particular focus on diverse media, by which I mean media with characters and/or writers who are:
  • Female/Trans/Nonbinary – i.e. not cishet males
  • People of colour
  • Disabled
  • Neuroatypical
Which is not to say I won’t review anything else, but reviews focus on works which include one or more of these aspects. They also lean heavily towards genre fiction because…well, it’s in the title – I’m a total geek and that’s what I’m interested in the most.

My name is Porshia after the character, not the car, I’m a 21 year-old student of Liberal Arts in my favourite place in the world, London. I have a To Be Read pile high enough to kill a man in the event that it topples and I spend far too much time consuming just about every TV show that’s ever been recommended to me. How could I possibly bring all this together and somehow make it useful? The Geek Girl Express was the answer.

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